Deep Dive on RNNs
Charles Martin - The Australian National University
Ngunnawal & Ngambri & Ngarigu Country
Feed-Forward Network
For each unit: \(y = \text{tanh}\big(Wx + b \big)\)
Recurrent Network
For each unit: \(y_t = \text{tanh}\big(Ux_t + Vh_{t-1} + b \big)\)
Recurrent Network
Recurrent Network
simplifying and rotating…
“State” in Recurrent Networks
- Recurrent Networks are all about storing a “state” in between computations…
- A “lossy summary of… past sequences”
h is the “hidden state” of our RNN
- What influences h?
Defining the RNN State
We can define a simplified RNN represented by this diagram as follows:
\[h_t = \text{tanh}\big(Ux_t + Vh_{t-1} + b \big)\]
\[\hat{y}_t = \text{softmax}(c + Wh_t)\]
Unfolding an RNN in Time
- By unfolding the RNN we can compute \(\hat{y}\) for a given length of sequence.
- Note that the weight matrices \(U\), \(V\), \(W\) are the same for each timestep; this is the big advantage of RNNs!
Forward Propagation
We can now use the following equations to compute \(\hat{y}_t\), by computing \(h\) for the previous steps:
\[h_t = \text{tanh}\big(Ux_t + Vh_{t-1} + b \big)\]
\[\hat{y}_t = \text{softmax}(c + Wh_t)\]
Y-hat is Softmax’d
\(\hat{y}\) is a probability distribution!
\[\sigma(\mathbf{z})_j = \frac{e^{z_j}}{\sum_{k=1}^K e^{z_k}} \text{ for } j = 1,\ldots, K\]
Calculating Loss: Categorical Cross Entropy
We use the categorical cross-entropy function for loss:
h_t &= \text{tanh}\big( {b} + {Vh}_{t-1} + {Ux}_t \big) \\
\hat{y}_t &= \text{softmax}(c + Wh_t) \\
L_t &= -y_t \cdot \text{log}(\hat{y}_t) \\
\text{Loss} &= \sum_t L_t \\
Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT)
Propagates error correction backwards through the network graph, adjusting all parameters (U, V, W) to minimise loss.
Example: Character-level text model
Training data: a collection of text.
Input (X): snippets of 30 characters from the collection.
Target output (y): 1 character, the next one after the 30 in each X.
Training the Character-level Model
Target: A probability distribution with \(P(n) = 1\)
Output: A probability distribution over all next letters.
E.g.: “My cat is named Simon” would lead to X: “My cat is named Simo” and y: “n”
Using the trained model to generate text
S: Sampling function, sample a letter using the output probability distribution.
- The generated letter is reinserted at as the next input.
- We don’t want to always draw the most likely character. The would give frequent repetition and “copying” from the training text. Need a sampling strategy.
- RNN as a sequence generator
- Input is current symbol, output is next predicted symbol.
- Connect output to input and continue!
- CharRNN simply applies this to a (subset) of ASCII characters.
- Train and generate on any text corpus: Fun!
Char-RNN Examples
Shakespeare (Karpathy, 2015):
Second Senator: They are away this miseries, produced upon my soul, Breaking and strongly should be buried, when I perish The earth and thoughts of many states.
DUKE VINCENTIO: Well, your wit is in the care of side and that.
Latex Algebraic Geometry:
N.B. “Proof. Omitted.” Lol.
Time to Hack
Making an RNN that generates Star Trek titles
open in Colab
RNN Architectures and LSTM
Bidirectional RNNs
- Useful for tasks where the whole sequence is available.
- Each output unit (\(\hat{y}\)) depends on both past and future - but most sensitive to closer times.
- Popular in speech recognition, translation etc.
Encoder-Decoder (seq-to-seq)
Learns to generate output sequence (y) from an input sequence (x).
Final hidden state of encoder is used to compute a context variable C.
For example, translation.
Deep RNNs
- Does adding deeper layers to an RNN make it work better?
- Several options for architecture.
- Simply stacking RNN layers is very popular; shown to work better by Graves et al. (2013)
- Intuitively: layers might learn some hierarchical knowledge automatically.
- Typical setup: up to three recurrent layers.
Long-Term Dependencies
- Big mathematical challenge!
- Gradients propagated through the same weights tend to vanish (mostly) or explode (rarely)
- E.g., consider an RNN with no nonlinear activation function or input.
- Each time step multiplies h(0) by W.
- This corresponds to raising power of eigenvalues in \(\Lambda\).
- Eventually, components of h(0) not aligned with the largest eigenvector will be discarded.
h_t &= Wh_{t-1}\\
h_t &= (W^t)h_0
(supposing W admits eigendecomposition with orthogonal matrix Q)
W &= Q\Lambda Q^{\top}\\
h_t &= Q\Lambda ^t Qh_0
Gated RNNs
- Provide gates that can change the hidden state a little bit at each step.
- The gates are controlled by learnable weights as well!
- Hidden state weights that may change at each time step.
- Create paths through time with derivatives that do not vanish/explode.
- Gates choose information to accumulate or forget at each step.
Long Short-Term Memory
- Self-loop containing internal state (c).
- Three extra gating units:
Forget gate: controls how much memory is preserved.
Input gate: control how much of current input is stored.
Output gate: control how much of state is shown to output.
- Each gate has own weights and biases, so this uses lots more parameters.
Other Gating Units
- Are three gates necessary?
- Other gating units are simpler, e.g., Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)
- For the moment, LSTMs are winning in practical use.
- Alternative unit design: project idea?
Visualising LSTM activations
Sometimes, the LSTM cell state corresponds with features of the sequential data:
Source: (Karpathy, 2015)
Other CharRNN Applications
Neural iPad Band, another CharRNN
- iPad music transcribed as sequence of numbers for each performer.
- Trick: encode multiple ints as one (preserving ordering).
- Video